Sustained patterns of habitual tension throughout the obedience dogs musculature can commonly cause performance issues such as:
– Slow on the sendaway
– Circling or turning evenly one way, not the other
– Unable to sustain a sit or sit squarely
– Finding it uncomfortable to maintain a down
– Heelwork issue
– Distance control issues e.g. dog keeps shifting position
– Slowing down
– Loss of interest
– Change in gait or posture
– Lameness
– Uncomfortable with touch or grooming in an area
Predictable tension patterns occur in over exerted muscle that is asked to lengthen or contract for prolonged periods, with a common indicator being a coat change or an area of fur that flicks up that never used to. Typical changes in the dog’s muscles will be hypertonic muscle, trigger points and myofascial pain which cause a muscle to become ‘dysfunctional’ – that is not work to its optimum capacity. Although injury risk is severely reduced when compared to agility, muscles of the obedience dog can tear or strain like any other, the most common being the sendaway.
Typical Results An Obedience Dog Shows After Massage Therapy Are:
– Able to maintain positions for longer
– Even turns
– Improved heelwork
– Improved comfort in neck/back/shoulders
– Square sits
– More comfortable, prolonged stays
– Fast on the sendaway,
– Efficient on the down command
– Improved suppleness and flexibility
– Improved Range of Movement (ROM)
Find your dog’s registered, fully trained therapist here