History has been made as both University Centre Sparsholt and Winchester university conduct in-depth clinical trials with the Canine Massage Guild on the efficacy of clinical canine massage therapy and, specifically, Lenton Method®.
A three-tiered, results-driven approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal problems in dogs, the Lenton Method® is taught to Canine Massage Therapy Centre students during their rigorous 2 year Clinical Canine Massage Practitioner Programme. The programme is externally accredited with LANTRA, a nationally recognised awarding body regulated by OFQUAL, SQA, and Qualification Wales.
Read more here https://www.k9-massage.co.uk/canine-massage/clinical-trials-canine-massage-guilds-lenton-method/
Whether you are searching for information on how massage may help your dog, want to locate a therapist in your area, are looking for a new career in canine massage, or would like to bring your own dog along to a 1 day workshop, we’ve got it covered.
Our unique online holistic healthcare web shop offers a thoughtful collection of holistic products from supplements, to pain relief clothing, herbs, homeopathy and more as well as our Best Selling DVD ‘Canine Massage in 3 Easy Steps’
Did you know your dog has around 700 muscles that pull on the 320 bones to produce movement?
Without muscle there is no movement and it’s the tissue that is most likely to accrue injuries, stress and overcompensate for orthopaedic issues.
Massage is THE most effective therapy to rehabilitate and recondition your dog’s muscles for movement, mobility and longevity!

Exclusive Guild Member CPD is available to all current GUILD members subject to meeting the pre-requisites. Sorry we are unable to offer this to therapists who are not Canine Massage Guild members trained by us.
Our one day Beginner Workshops are currently held in Worcestershire and Herefordshire but please check out the Therapists who are licensed to hold these workshops for us and have workshops around the UK, their details are HERE. If you are unable to attend in person, the Beginner workshops are also available on line in a live session with your instructor.
If you want to order the DVD to get some practice at home, please note that you can ORDER YOUR DVD HERE in a downloadable format or order the DVD from our website as normal.
Applications for the 2024 Clinical Canine Massage Practitioner course are now being accepted. Details how to apply can be found HERE